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AI Tools catalog


60 tools found

Legal Assistants

LawGeex's Contract Review Automation (CRA) technology harnesses the power of AI to help in-house legal teams automate the contract review process, reducing risk and accelerating the speed of deals, with a focus on routine, high volume, low-to-medium complexity agreements such as NDAs, SLAs, SOWs, framework agreements, and supply agreements

Winn AI

Winn.AI is an AI assistant for salespeople that handles sales busywork, joins virtual meetings, tracks conversations, generates follow-up emails, and updates CRM automatically.

Jenny AI

Jenni AI is a powerful research assistant and content generator that helps users write more efficiently and effectively, offering features like AI Autocomplete, in-text citations, paraphrasing capabilities, and customization options

MagicAI by Spike

Spike's Magic AI is an AI-powered workflow assistant designed to speed up workflows, save time, and enhance productivity by streamlining tasks, creating polished emails and messages, generating seamless responses, and summarizing communication. It is available with all Spike plans and can be used to write in different languages.

Content Creation

Lightkey is an AI-powered predictive typing and spelling correction software that offers inline text prediction in any Windows desktop application, allowing users to compose content faster and with confidence, and it is trusted in 170 countries worldwide.

Audio is a platform that offers personalized podcast experiences, including stock market reviews, digital accessibility, education, news digests, and real-time podcasts for travelers, and it is currently available for free

Madgicx for Facebook Ads

Madgicx is a comprehensive advertising platform designed to optimize Facebook and other digital ad campaigns, offering AI optimization, real-time analytics, and time-saving tools for media buyers, as well as first-party data tracking and ROAS monitoring.


Shuffll is an AI-driven video creation studio that enables users to produce high-quality videos with ease, allowing them to scale their video content at a fraction of the cost and time typically associated with traditional video production methods

Gizzmo AI is a tool that simplifies content creation by automatically generating high-quality articles based on Amazon products, with a Chrome extension and WordPress plugin available, and supports English for content generation as of Version 1.0.0.
