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AI Tools catalog


181 tools found


The Smudge app's Developer Colour Palette allows users to choose, convert, organize, and share colors for their projects, with features such as a built-in color picker, automatic syncing to the cloud, and AI-assisted color palette generation.


K8sGPT is a tool that scans and diagnoses Kubernetes clusters, providing simple English explanations and AI-enhanced analysis

Life Assistants

Summit is an AI life coach that helps users organize and track personal and professional goals, providing accountability through texting and accountability groups.


Stepsize AI is a tool that uses AI to generate tailored dashboards and reports based on Jira data, helps manage and fix technical debt, and allows developers to track and manage issues directly from their code editor.

Graphy AI

Graphy is a platform that allows users to seamlessly pull data from disparate sources, create interactive reports in seconds, and share them with others, with stunning visuals, charts, and power-ups.

Content Creation
Keyword Insights AI

Keyword Insights is an AI-driven content marketing platform that offers features such as keyword generation, clustering, and AI-assisted content briefs, helping users automate and optimize their content strategy

Shufti Pro

Shufti Pro is an AML compliance solution that helps businesses screen against PEPs, sanctions, watchlists, and monitor adverse media to prevent money laundering and meet compliance requirements

Customer Support

DigitalGenius is a code-free customer experience platform for ecommerce and retail, powered by artificial intelligence, offering seamless customer experiences and efficient ticket handling

Content Creation

ProWritingAid is an AI writing assistant that offers tools to enhance writing, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide custom suggestions for improvement, helping over 2 million people become better storytellers since its founding in 2012 in London.
