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AI Tools catalog


22 tools found

Human Resources
Match That Role

Match That Role AI is a website that helps job seekers find their ideal remote job by enhancing their resume's effectiveness.

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type

Storytelling Generator
Novel is a website that provides a dedicated and powerful toolset for professionals to tell their story.


Datumo is a platform that focuses on maintaining the quality of CRM data by cleaning, updating, and enriching customer information, and also provides Big Data consulting and cloud migration services.

Life Assistants

Summit is an AI life coach that helps users organize and track personal and professional goals, providing accountability through texting and accountability groups.

AI Studio

HookSounds Studio is a platform that offers a collection of over 3000 original music tracks and sound effects, created by experienced musicians, to enhance creative projects with harmonious melodies.


Katteb is an AI-powered writing software that utilizes rigorous fact-checking techniques to deliver you content of the highest credibility, ensuring to provide you with reliable information supported by credible sources and in-text citations.


DaVinciFace is a software that uses deep learning and a generative neural network to transform a photo of a human face into a genuine DaVinci-style portrait in less than two minutes.

Human Resources
Qureos Resume Builder

Qureos offers a free online resume builder designed to help job seekers create a winning resume that showcases their work, personality, and skills, based on feedback from 1,000+ users, recruiter expertise, and hiring best practices.
