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AI Tools catalog


17 tools found

MagicAI by Spike

Spike's Magic AI is an AI-powered workflow assistant designed to speed up workflows, save time, and enhance productivity by streamlining tasks, creating polished emails and messages, generating seamless responses, and summarizing communication. It is available with all Spike plans and can be used to write in different languages.


Facetune is a mobile application that allows users to edit and enhance their selfies and videos with features such as filters, makeup tools, and color adjustments.

3D model
Swapp is a UK-based startup that uses AI to generate construction documents, automating detail design work and producing drawings faster than traditional methods

Media & Entertainment

Albert is an AI-powered marketing platform that aims to empower marketers with tools to help with some of their tasks and free them to focus on more creative work.

Legal Assistants

Juro is an AI-enabled contract automation platform that empowers businesses to create, agree, and manage contracts faster and more efficiently, offering features such as automated contract drafting, real-time collaboration, and structured approval workflows

Shaping Tomorrow

Shaping Tomorrow is a strategic intelligence platform that uses horizon scanning to spot emerging trends, weak signals of change, and wild cards by continuously scanning ~100,000 reputable sources to find evidence of impending change which is instantly and automatically collated as summaries and visual dashboards.

HourOne AI

Hour One is an AI-powered video generator that allows users to create professional videos with virtual human presenters or custom characters using a simple code or API integration.


Papercup is a company specializing in premium AI dubbing and related technologies, offering services such as video localization and ethical pledge adherence.

Content Creation

ProWritingAid is an AI writing assistant that offers tools to enhance writing, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide custom suggestions for improvement, helping over 2 million people become better storytellers since its founding in 2012 in London.
