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AI Tools catalog


105 tools found

MysticLabs AI

MysticLabs offers next-gen AI products for enterprises, including AI-Native LMS and LXP, and Delta 10 THC gummies for creativity and focus

Support Guy

SupportGuy is a chatbot-powered customer support platform that offers various pricing plans with features such as email notifications, document uploads, and priority support.

Artificial Intelligence
Questgen AI

Questgen is an AI-powered quiz generator that supports high-volume quiz generation of up to 150 quizzes from 100,000 words in 1-click, providing an authoring tool to generate various kinds of assessments like Multiple Choice Questions, True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions, saving significant time for users and trusted by over 80,000 users

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.

TheReviewIndex is a website that offers a tool called TheReviewIndex PRO, which automatically categorizes feedback into fine-grained topics cut by sentiment, allowing businesses to benchmark competition and understand category trends.

Life Assistants
Gita GPT

Gita GPT is an AI-powered platform that uses the Bhagavad Gita to provide solutions to your life's queries and offer insights into life's decisions

Pixelbin offers digital asset management, real-time image transformations, and optimization services for businesses, with a focus on digital creators, eCommerce experts, and business professionals.


ChatMaxima is an AI chatbot platform that connects businesses to their audience, broadening brand reach and amplifying customer engagement for exceptional results.

Files & Spreadsheets

SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that automates tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, allowing users to generate marketing emails, bulk PDFs, and automate data management through Appscript and VBA code
