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AI Tools catalog


125 tools found

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.

Recipe is a meal planning and nutrition coaching software that offers a comprehensive database of over 100,000 online recipes and dietitian-approved options, along with custom branding and instant sharing features for professionals

Digital First AI

Digital First AI is a future-proof marketing platform that uses AI to determine and execute the most effective marketing tactics, catering to over 9000 marketers and entrepreneurs globally.

Artificial Intelligence

SEOwind is an AI writing tool designed to quickly provide essential SEO data, streamline content creation, and generate high-quality, long-form, and SEO-optimized articles, making it a valuable resource for driving organic traffic and achieving online success

Websites & Design

MakeForms is an online form builder that enables efficient form organization, advanced form creation with AI capabilities, and top-notch security standards, offering features such as custom branding, conditional logic, workflows, and data encryption

WatermarkRemover IO is an AI-powered online tool that removes watermarks from images and videos for free, with an enterprise plan available for personalized quotes, demos, and 24/7 email support, and it can be accessed on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, and Android.

Content Creation

useCarl is an AI assistant for creators that repurposes content to suit each platform, helping to create a passionate and interactive community of followers and reach a relevant and quality audience of potential customers, partners, and recruiters

Vidyo AI is a video editing platform that uses AI to repurpose long-form podcasts and videos into short viral clips for social media, offering automatic analysis and generation of short clips using advanced AI video clipping features, customizable fonts, and animated text overlays.


Ai Business Tool is a website offering customer support, marketing, and sales services starting at $9 per month, with a focus on collecting, storing, and using data as described in its privacy policy
