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AI Tools catalog


124 tools found

Machine Learning

StackML is a machine learning platform that offers a simple GUI tool for non-AI users to access a wide range of machine learning models and features, such as face detection, image classification, and pose estimation, all within the browser


Threado AI is an AI-powered instant support platform that integrates with Slack or Discord communities and can be embedded on webpages to provide accurate answers and gain insights into community needs.

Synthesizer V

Dreamtonics' Synthesizer V is a groundbreaking music production tool that combines AI research, signal processing, and a passion for music to create a pioneering synthesizer that replicates the nuances of the human singing voice without limiting your vocabulary, allowing you to bring your ideas to life with ease and creativity.

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.


Kafkai is an AI content generator that uses its own trained models for niche and keyword article writing, allowing users to generate unique, SEO-friendly articles with a few clicks.

TLDR this

TLDR This is an online article summarizer tool that uses AI to automatically extract the most relevant points from a text, eliminating fluff and weak arguments, and providing distraction-free reading experience.

Olvy Changelogs

Olvy is a suite of tools that includes a changelog portal, in-app widgets, and feedback analysis capabilities, designed to help teams manage user feedback and communicate product updates.

Beatoven is an AI-powered music generator that allows content creators to easily produce royalty-free background music tailored to their projects by selecting from 8 different genres and 16 moods.

Vidyo AI is a video editing platform that uses AI to repurpose long-form podcasts and videos into short viral clips for social media, offering automatic analysis and generation of short clips using advanced AI video clipping features, customizable fonts, and animated text overlays.
