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AI Tools catalog


122 tools found


The Parentivity Bot is an AI-powered parenting assistant that offers personalized support and guidance to parents, helping them foster positive growth and development in their children

Human Resources
CareerDekho AI is an AI-driven career discovery tool that helps job seekers and employers find the perfect career fit with personalized advice from AI, and it has already been used by over 26,000 people.


Threado AI is an AI-powered instant support platform that integrates with Slack or Discord communities and can be embedded on webpages to provide accurate answers and gain insights into community needs.

Media & Entertainment

Brndaddo is a platform that helps businesses streamline their marketing communication and brand control by simplifying organizational workflows and leveraging AI for asset management, reducing campaign costs by 20%

Machine Learning

StackML is a machine learning platform that offers a simple GUI tool for non-AI users to access a wide range of machine learning models and features, such as face detection, image classification, and pose estimation, all within the browser

Scispace, also known as SciSpace, is a research platform and writing tool that helps researchers, students, and professionals manage, format, and collaborate on research papers and thesis documents, providing simple explanations and answers from AI for better understanding of scientific information

Research Journal Database

ABCD Index is a website that provides a list of true journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, UGC Care, and NAAS indexing, as well as offering membership benefits such as reviewer community connection, reviewer and membership certificates, chapter page posting, and conference organizer tools.

Media & Entertainment

Nuelink is a social media scheduling and automation tool that helps social media managers save time and improve their content scheduling.

Mockey AI is a free online AI mockup generator that allows users to create high-quality mock-ups for various products, including apparels and accessories, and download the resulting photos for any use case. It is also available on the PlayStore for Android users
