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AI Tools catalog


188 tools found


Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprise marketers create, test, and optimize marketing messages using data-driven content generation and real-time language insights, aiming to improve engagement and drive marketing results.


Briefly is an AI-powered briefing platform that provides smart templates, live feedback, and personalized checklists to help teams write focused, clear, and concise briefs for marketing and creative campaigns.

Art Generator
QR Diffusion

QR Diffusion is a beta platform that uses AI to transform QR codes into artistic designs, going beyond traditional pixelated grids to create intricate images resembling artwork.

Legal Assistants

Nalanda Technology provides legal organizations with Nalytics, an AI-powered software that automates routine search, discovery, and analytical tasks, saving time and resources, and improving client experience.

Website Planet

The Dummy Image Generator on Website Planet is a free tool that allows you to quickly and easily create placeholder images for websites and landing pages, helping you visualize the overall design and layout while waiting for the actual images to be ready

Language Learning

LanguageMate is a language learning platform that uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to provide accurate corrections and feedback on language skills, offers guided and unguided scenarios to help internalize a wide range of vocabulary and grammar, and boasts an extensive range of material spanning from beginner to fluent and complex levels.


AIChatbot is an AI-powered conversational chatbot builder for customer service, enabling the creation of custom GPT chatbots trained from your own data, capable of responding to customer inquiries in multiple languages and embedding the chatbot widget directly onto your website


Rythmex is an online converter that transforms audio and video files into text, offering over 140 languages for transcription purposes.


Craft is a document creation platform that emphasizes impactful projects, team collaboration, integrated tools, and structured document organization for personal and business use cases
