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AI Tools catalog


231 tools found

Assistant Code
Codium LTD

CodiumAI offers AI-powered code completion, search, and chat, supporting over 70 languages and integrating with popular IDEs like VS Code and JetBrains


Unboxable is a data-driven platform that helps companies make smart hiring decisions by using job simulator technology to replace the standard job application and providing deep reports that forecast how candidates' skills and work style will unfold in a specific context.

Artificial Intelligence
Wizdom AI is an AI-powered platform that provides comprehensive insights about the global research ecosystem, helping users make informed decisions and stay ahead in their respective fields


Botika is a platform that uses AI-generated models to help fashion retailers reduce photo production costs, enhance product images, and improve online traffic


Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprise marketers create, test, and optimize marketing messages using data-driven content generation and real-time language insights, aiming to improve engagement and drive marketing results.


Hit'n'Mix's latest offering, RipX DAW, is an AI-powered Digital Audio Workstation that can extract sounds from mixed recordings and is uniquely prepared to assist those working with samples produced by AI music generators.

Media & Entertainment
Luna Ai

Luna AI is a platform that takes data security seriously, offers a free trial period, and uses AI to assist with marketing, social media posts, program content creation, and more.

Impossible Images

Impossible Images is an AI-generated stock image library and AI image generator that offers unique images for design projects, social media, and more, with the option to commission specific images for a fee.

3D model is a company that specializes in AI-powered 3D model generation, offering solutions for both individual self-expression and business use cases where mass generation of 3D models is required
