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AI Tools catalog


54 tools found

Deep Nostalgia™

MyHeritage's Deep Nostalgia is a technology that animates faces in family photos, allowing users to experience their family history in a new way.

Deep Nostalgia

Deep Nostalgia™ est un outil en ligne qui permet d'animer les visages dans vos photos de famille, offrant une expérience unique et captivante pour découvrir votre histoire familiale comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue

Getsound is a platform that offers deep focus using real-time soundscapes, minimizes distractions, and enhances productivity


HoopsAI is a platform that provides AI-generated forecasts and content for investment and business decisions, as well as terms of use for its services.

Content Creation

Lightkey is an AI-powered predictive typing and spelling correction software that offers inline text prediction in any Windows desktop application, allowing users to compose content faster and with confidence, and it is trusted in 170 countries worldwide.

Real Estate

Apply Design is a virtual staging software that simplifies the process of creating stunningly realistic and inviting virtual home tours, saving time and effort for both professionals and clients.

Website Builders

Webullar is an AI-powered website builder that helps small businesses create a fully automated online presence in seconds by generating a website and social media posts in just 30 seconds using a simple sentence about the business.

3D model
Swapp is a UK-based startup that uses AI to generate construction documents, automating detail design work and producing drawings faster than traditional methods

Assistant Code
Codium LTD

CodiumAI offers AI-powered code completion, search, and chat, supporting over 70 languages and integrating with popular IDEs like VS Code and JetBrains
