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AI Tools catalog


1146 tools found

Email is an email communication platform that organizes messages into conversations, blocks unknown trackers, and allows users to approve, unsubscribe, or block new contacts, with features such as auto-responding, message undo, and GIF support

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume

Real Estate
GetFloorPlan offers a premium tool for creating 2D and 3D floor plans with AI, providing true pricing, fast processing, and high-quality finished products, all at an affordable price.


Docyt is an accounting automation software platform that reduces the cost and technical complexity of bookkeeping and back-office tasks for business owners and their accountants, providing real-time accounting and data privacy and security.


Simplified is an all-in-one app for modern marketing teams that provides an AI-powered design platform with tools to create, collaborate, and scale social media, including an AI writer, AI designer, and an AI story generator.

Eventual AI is a platform that explores the potential of artificial intelligence, its applications, and the challenges it faces in becoming more sentient and capable.

Magic Reach is a platform that uses AI to personalize emails by aggregating and organizing data from over 20 sources, such as LinkedIn, news, job openings, activity, and more, and generating icebreakers based on relevant data.

Steve AI

Steve.AI is a patented AI tool that enables anyone to create professional videos and animations in mere minutes using text.

Plus AI for Google Slides

Plus AI is a free AI presentation maker for Google Slides that allows users to create and edit presentations with generative AI, offering features such as Text-to-Presentation mode, individual slide creation, and slide deck formatting
