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AI Tools catalog


1160 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Abacus AI

Abacus.AI is an enterprise-grade AI-assisted end-to-end machine learning platform that uses generative AI and other novel neural net techniques to process and transform data, choose the best algorithm, train, deploy, and monitor models for a wide array of use-cases including language, forecasting, predictive modeling, and personalization.

Rephrase is a platform that uses generative AI to convert text into professional-looking videos with a digital avatar in just a few minutes, making video production more accessible and efficient

Video is a platform that allows users to create and send personalized videos at scale, enhancing engagement and conversion rates in various marketing campaigns.


6figr's Career Roast offers brutally honest career assessments using an AI-powered system, providing individuals with benchmark compensation and career information.

Human Resources
Leet Resumes

LeetCode is a platform that offers a variety of coding problems and solutions for developers to practice and improve their skills.

AgendaAI by Charma

Charma's AgendaAI is an AI tool that automatically generates meeting agendas when connected to Slack or after answering a few questions


FlowiseAI is an open-source UI visual tool built with LangchainJS, allowing users to easily create customized LLM (Large Language Models) apps using Node Typescript/Javascript, and it supports Docker for deployment

Supermanage AI

Supermanage AI is an AI-powered tool for managers that provides insights and snapshots to help them catch up before meetings.

Developer Tools

Mixpeek is an AI-powered tool that enables contextual search across videos, images, audio, and text with just one line of code, allowing users to accurately find and categorize news clips, interviews, images, or articles based on specific queries.
