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AI Tools catalog


1143 tools found

Wallet AI

Wallet.AI is a San Francisco-based company founded in 2012 that builds intelligent engines to analyze data and help users make better daily financial decisions.

Human Resources

WorkHub is an AI-powered platform that centralizes knowledge management and enables automations across organizations, allowing users to connect multiple data sources and maintain privacy while accessing information

Rizz! Keyboard is a website for Rizz! Keyboard, which appears to be a product or service related to keyboards.


MonkeyLearn is an all-in-one text analysis and data visualization platform that simplifies the process of cleaning, labeling, and visualizing customer feedback, enabling users to gain instant insights and create custom machine learning models for tasks like sentiment analysis and topic classification

Nolej is an AI-powered platform that generates interactive learning materials, such as quizzes, flashcards, games, and interactive videos, from user-provided content or URLs


Podium is an AI copywriter for podcast show notes, articles, transcripts, and more, aiming to supercharge the podcasting workflow and empower creators with time-saving features and high-quality content

Social Networks
AI Post Generator

The RADAAR Social Post Generator is an AI-powered tool that allows users to create engaging social media posts for free, with features such as content curation and multilingual support

No Code
Neuton.AI is a TinyML framework that uses a unique patented machine learning algorithm to build neural networks without compromising between accuracy and size, making it efficient and easily replicable on devices, and it can recognize complex human activity.

Art Generator
DiagramGPTby Eraser

DiagramGPT is a tool created by Eraser, a whiteboard for engineering teams, that leverages OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate flow charts, entity relationship diagrams, cloud architecture diagrams, and sequence diagrams.
