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AI Tools catalog


1155 tools found


XOKind is a company founded in October 2019, with a mission of simplifying human planning and decision making, and its co-founder is Yinyin Liu

Human Resources

TalentGuard is a workforce intelligence platform that helps companies manage and optimize their talent through skills-based learning, talent automation, and succession planning, aiming to elevate organizational success and employee engagement

Leadsourcing – ChatGPT for LinkedIn is a platform that helps B2B businesses drive sales growth by implementing an AI Sales Development Representative (SDR)

Developer Tools
Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an AI community that builds open-source machine learning tools, including state-of-the-art models for PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX, as well as diffusion models for image and audio generation.

Story Bard

Story Bard offers powerful AI tools to bring your imagination to life, allowing you to create countless variations of existing stories and explore new possibilities in storytelling


Enzyme is a Quality Management System (QMS) software and consulting company that supports the development and commercialization of various health products, offering regulatory, engineering, and quality consulting services, and integrating with Microsoft Office 365 for seamless document editing

Voice Reading
Symbl AI is a conversation intelligence platform that provides real-time, contextual AI capabilities with a secure and scalable infrastructure, and programmable APIs and SDKs for developers

Machine Learning
Evidently AI

Evidently AI is an open-source Python library and SaaS platform that helps implement testing and monitoring for machine learning models, offering pre-built tests and metrics to detect and handle data and concept drift in production, with a focus on data quality and model performance monitoring

Search Engine

Searcholic is an AI-powered search engine for eBooks and documents that is committed to protecting users' privacy and ensuring the security of their personal information.
