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AI Tools catalog


29 tools found

Human Resources
GitMind AI

GitMind is an AI-powered platform that offers mind mapping, flowcharting, whiteboarding, and other diagramming tools to help users visualize and connect their ideas in an orderly and creative way.


CopyMonkey is an AI-powered tool that helps users create optimized Amazon listings by generating keyword-optimized bullet points and descriptions, ensuring that sellers don't miss out on important keywords that customers are searching for

Song Cover AI

FineShare Singify is a website that allows users to create AI cover songs with any voice they want using machine learning algorithms and advanced voice synthesis technology.

Summate is a tool that uses OpenAI to quickly summarize web articles, allowing users to input any article URL and receive a summary of the article.

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

No Code
Drafter AI

Drafter AI is an all-in-one AI platform that allows businesses to combine various AI technologies into single apps, enabling the effortless creation of AI-powered tools and features without the need for coding expertise

Human Resources
Match That Role

Match That Role AI is a website that helps job seekers find their ideal remote job by enhancing their resume's effectiveness.


HitPaw is a multimedia software company dedicated to providing creative and effective tools for video, photo, and audio editing, powered by AI, with a focus on simplifying digital life and unlocking creativity.

Website Builders is a free visual sitemap generator that uses artificial intelligence to create the visual structure of a website, which serves as an important starting point for further development.
