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AI Tools catalog


132 tools found


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.

No Code

Gooey.AI is an AI-powered platform that offers a library of workflows across generative text, voice, video, CoPilots, and more, allowing users to upload their own data and evaluate any Gooey.AI workflow, LLM or AI model against any other.

Mockey AI is a free online AI mockup generator that allows users to create high-quality mock-ups for various products, including apparels and accessories, and download the resulting photos for any use case. It is also available on the PlayStore for Android users


Ai Business Tool is a website offering customer support, marketing, and sales services starting at $9 per month, with a focus on collecting, storing, and using data as described in its privacy policy

No Code is an AI-powered website search and discovery platform that offers a tailored solution to meet individual needs, with a starting price of $19 per month and features such as AI-powered search, multilingual support, and real-time data and analytics


Bifrost is a platform that uses AI to convert Figma designs into clean React code, automating the process of frontend development and allowing for seamless collaboration between designers and engineers

Websites & Design

MakeForms is an online form builder that enables efficient form organization, advanced form creation with AI capabilities, and top-notch security standards, offering features such as custom branding, conditional logic, workflows, and data encryption

Artificial Intelligence

Sttabot is a cloud-based AI development and infrastructure platform that allows users to build NLP-backed AI apps using no-code and low-code technology, train and annotate datasets, build custom LLM models, and create AI chatbots to automate support and sales.
