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AI Tools catalog


1151 tools found

Motion AI

Motion AI is a platform acquired by HubSpot, offering a visual chatbot builder to enable businesses to engage, convert, and delight customers across every channel at scale

Papers with Code

Papers with Code is a platform that provides the latest research papers and code implementations in the field of machine learning.

Art Generator

Fiction is a platform for AI-generated media, offering tools to create avatars, animations, and models for various applications

Addy AI

Addy AI is a company that provides customer service AI for retail and ecommerce brands, healthcare automation services, and a ChatGPT email assistant.

Melody Studio

MelodyStudio is a smart songwriting app that offers melody, lyrics, and chord generators, catering to both experienced musicians and beginners, aiming to unlock creative potential


Insight7 is an AI-powered Customer Insights platform for B2B companies that helps teams analyze user feedback, extract product themes, and prioritize features based on customer needs and preferences

Level AI is an AI solutions provider for call centers that offers real-time answers to customer questions from across the enterprise stack and multiple integrations with apps from across the tech stack.

Activechat Bot Trainer AI

The Activechat platform offers a simplified integration process for building natural language chatbots, allowing the use of external NLP providers and triggering a chatbot skill for each intent, with pricing based on the number of live chat agents in the team starting at $49 per agent per month

Human Resources
Careerflow provides free AI job search tools to help users keep track of job opportunities, applications, notes, and contacts in one dashboard, and optimize their online profiles to increase search appearances.
