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AI Tools catalog


21 tools found

Cradl AI

Cradl AI is a no-code AI platform that automates document workflows for business critical document automation, offering fully customizable AI validator, encrypted transmission, and seamless integration with automation tools

Assistant Code

AI2sql is a tool that automatically creates SQL statements based on user input, supporting natural language prompts in several languages, and can be used by a wide range of users for a variety of purposes, including data analysis, learning SQL, and improving efficiency, with tailored solutions for enterprises.

Note Taking

Emberly is a platform for organizing and managing knowledge.

Websites & Design
Piktochart AI

Piktochart AI is a free tool that allows users to quickly and easily create visually appealing infographics on any topic using AI-generated templates that can be customized to enhance the visual story while remaining on-brand.

Iris AI is a comprehensive research platform that offers AI-powered tools for various aspects of research processing, including smart search, filtering, extraction, and summarization of data, allowing researchers to focus on value creation and adapt to their specific fields

Jenny AI

Jenni AI is a powerful research assistant and content generator that helps users write more efficiently and effectively, offering features like AI Autocomplete, in-text citations, paraphrasing capabilities, and customization options


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.


Roketfy is an innovative and data-driven platform that offers smart tools and services to help Etsy sellers boost their sales, optimize listings, and improve search rankings


Prodigy is an annotation tool for AI, machine learning, and NLP, allowing data scientists to efficiently annotate data and train production-quality models with very few examples, enabling a more agile approach to data collection and faster project completion
