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AI Tools catalog


29 tools found

Life Assistants
Movie Deep Search

Deep Search is an AI-powered platform that enhances the search experience by understanding the context and intention behind user queries, providing more relevant and personalized results

Supertone AI

Supertone is an AI-based plugin for noise and reverb removal, initially offered as a free beta version and later sold under the name Supertone Cleaner


Kickresume is an online platform that offers resume and cover letter building services while prioritizing user privacy and not sharing personal information with recruiters or job sites.

Art Generator

PicSo AI is an online platform that offers AI art generation, allowing users to create AI characters, edit and extend images, and generate text to AI art and AI portraits.

Voxwave AI

Voxwave AI offers a platform for sending personalized voice emails to leads at various stages, aiming to increase call bookings and sales by leveraging the human touch of voice messages.

Stocknews AI

StockNews AI provides top news and research on various types of US equities, including dividend, value, marijuana, and tech stocks, using AI-picked sources

3D model
Plask AI offers Plask Motion, an AI-powered animation toolkit for video, gaming, film, and virtual reality, enabling seamless and efficient motion capture and animation creation.

Text To Speech
Typecast AI is an AI-powered platform that offers an online text-to-speech and video creation service, providing over 300 human-like virtual avatars and voice-over actors for creating professional-quality content with emotional text-to-voice settings

Real Estate
Jife is a website that provides general information about various topics, including music, movies, and personal experiences.
