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AI Tools catalog


116 tools found

Content Creation

useCarl is an AI assistant for creators that repurposes content to suit each platform, helping to create a passionate and interactive community of followers and reach a relevant and quality audience of potential customers, partners, and recruiters

Artificial Intelligence
Cognify Studio

Cognify AI Studio is a mobile app and web tool that uses AI to transform photos into professional designs, offering unique backgrounds, lighting, and compositions, and is cost-effective compared to hiring professional designers and photographers


Soundraw is an AI music generation platform that allows users to create customized royalty-free music by selecting a mood, genre, and length, with options for adjusting the music to their needs and integrating the AI technology into products.

Files & Spreadsheets

SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that automates tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, allowing users to generate marketing emails, bulk PDFs, and automate data management through Appscript and VBA code

SuperMeme is an AI-powered platform that turns text into memes, using GPT-3 to generate appropriate meme captions and matching them with relevant meme templates, offering high-quality images, no watermarks, and meme generation from any topic or text input

Websites & Design

MakeForms is an online form builder that enables efficient form organization, advanced form creation with AI capabilities, and top-notch security standards, offering features such as custom branding, conditional logic, workflows, and data encryption

Voice Reading

Voicemaker is a platform trusted by over 1000 well-known brands, offering voiceover services with customizable voice volume, speed, and pitch, and it has registered users from over 120 countries worldwide.


The Parentivity Bot is an AI-powered parenting assistant that offers personalized support and guidance to parents, helping them foster positive growth and development in their children

No Code

Gooey.AI is an AI-powered platform that offers a library of workflows across generative text, voice, video, CoPilots, and more, allowing users to upload their own data and evaluate any Gooey.AI workflow, LLM or AI model against any other.
