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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.


Highcharts GPT is a free tool powered by ChatGPT that allows users to create real charts in any language with simple prompts, but it has limitations in terms of accuracy and rendering capabilities, and requires a Highcharts commercial license to publish generated charts.

GRID 2.0

GRID is a platform that allows users to build an interface on top of their spreadsheet, without any coding, and build slick, interactive web tools and calculators that can be shared securely or published online.

Promptpal is a platform that provides a variety of prompts, GPTs, and bots for AI, including GPT-4 and DALL-E.

Media & Entertainment

Adline is an easy-to-use multichannel advertising and analytics platform that helps businesses launch and optimize ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Google, with automatic ad optimization and a Multichannel Budget Optimization algorithm that minimizes wasted ad spend and maximizes conversions.

Cradl AI

Cradl AI is a no-code AI platform that automates document workflows for business critical document automation, offering fully customizable AI validator, encrypted transmission, and seamless integration with automation tools


Prodigy is an annotation tool for AI, machine learning, and NLP, allowing data scientists to efficiently annotate data and train production-quality models with very few examples, enabling a more agile approach to data collection and faster project completion


Collab is a contact center software that enables digital transformation, balances automation and human interaction, and provides enhanced customer experiences through omnichannel solutions, AI, and CRM integration

Jungle AI

Jungle AI is an AI technology company that applies artificial intelligence to improve the performance of machinery, including renewable energy sources, and offers an AI-powered asset management app called Canopy, which uses historical data to predict component failures and identify poor performance
