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AI Tools catalog


104 tools found

Image is an AI-powered online tool that helps users remove backgrounds from images, enhancing visual impact and improving social media marketing strategies.

Artificial Intelligence
Questgen AI

Questgen is an AI-powered quiz generator that supports high-volume quiz generation of up to 150 quizzes from 100,000 words in 1-click, providing an authoring tool to generate various kinds of assessments like Multiple Choice Questions, True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions, saving significant time for users and trusted by over 80,000 users

Social Networks
Scrip AI

Scrip AI is a free AI writer that offers tools for generating video scripts for Instagram reels, TikTok videos, and YouTube shorts, as well as other AI-powered writing tools.


Hansei is a platform that allows users to chat with their knowledge base, providing a means for interactive knowledge sharing and retrieval.


Knowmax is an omnichannel knowledge management platform that empowers customer experience teams and digital channels with AI-powered capabilities, enabling the creation of process guides, documentation, and assessments to boost agent knowledge, and providing a central repository of information for self-service by both employees and customers


TurboHire is an AI-powered recruitment platform that offers a collection of tools to solve recruiting challenges, including candidate sourcing, recruitment analytics, and critical thinking interview questions.

Gen Z Translator

Blenny AI is a browser extension that enhances your web experience by providing AI vision and quick actions, such as instant summaries, translations, and web access, tailored to your needs.

AutoWrite App

Autowrite App is an AI tool that generates SEO-optimized, unique, plagiarism-free content for blogs, ads, emails, and websites, and it eliminates the hassle of registration, login, and sweat.

SuperMeme is an AI-powered platform that turns text into memes, using GPT-3 to generate appropriate meme captions and matching them with relevant meme templates, offering high-quality images, no watermarks, and meme generation from any topic or text input
