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AI Tools catalog


1142 tools found

Social Networks

Postly AI is a platform that helps businesses grow their social media presence by providing quality content, automating posting schedules, and offering analytics to track performance.

Legal Assistants
Legal Robot is a platform that offers contract analytics, legal simplification, and compliance tools to help users better understand and manage their legal documents and obligations.

Keewee ai tool

Keywee is a platform and managed service that helps publishers grow revenue streams, traffic, leads, subscribers, and conversions through data-driven copy and targeting to drive low-cost, high-quality audiences from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more.

Regard is a technology company that builds tools to streamline clinical, CDI, and revenue cycle efforts to improve hospital finances, patient safety, and physician happiness.

Slite – Ask

Slite's "Ask" feature is an AI-powered tool that allows users to ask written questions and intelligently search across their workspace documents for answers, providing summarized responses and comparing questions to specific content in documents


Rephrasely is a free online rephrase generator that offers 20 modes in over 100 languages, including a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener, among others, and prides itself on having both sentence rephrasers and paraphrase rephrase tools that account for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels.


Golden is a platform that uses natural language processing to extract information from various sources and create a knowledge graph, allowing users to search, query, and ask factual questions to obtain useful insights and stay ahead of industry shifts

Mubert AI

Mubert is a platform that offers thousands of staff-picked royalty-free music tracks for streaming, videos, podcasts, commercial use, and online content


Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals, as described by Angela Lee Duckworth, and can be measured using a "Grit Scale" to reflect an individual's level of perseverance and passion
