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AI Tools catalog


119 tools found


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.

Files & Spreadsheets

SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that automates tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, allowing users to generate marketing emails, bulk PDFs, and automate data management through Appscript and VBA code

Social Networks

TweetEmote is an AI-powered tweet assistant that helps users express their thoughts and feelings in tweets with the right words, analyzing the text input and proposing the most appropriate emotion to use in the tweet.


Curipod is an online platform that provides educational tools for teachers and students, including lesson creation, hosting, and participation, with a focus on sparking curiosity and excitement for learning.


Textify is a comprehensive AI platform that offers a wide range of AI tools for individuals, developers, and businesses, including creative writing assistants, productivity enhancers, no-code builders, and custom solutions tailored to business needs

Machine Learning

StackML is a machine learning platform that offers a simple GUI tool for non-AI users to access a wide range of machine learning models and features, such as face detection, image classification, and pose estimation, all within the browser


Timely is an AI-powered time tracking software that automates time tracking, monitors project progress, and helps teams and individuals improve productivity and work-life balance

Life Assistants
Gita GPT

Gita GPT is an AI-powered platform that uses the Bhagavad Gita to provide solutions to your life's queries and offer insights into life's decisions

Research Journal Database

ABCD Index is a website that provides a list of true journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, UGC Care, and NAAS indexing, as well as offering membership benefits such as reviewer community connection, reviewer and membership certificates, chapter page posting, and conference organizer tools.
