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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

No Code

Tiledesk is a platform for conversational automation, trusted by over 1000 global brands, offering chatbot building, AI integration, and personalized product showcasing.

GetMe.Flights is a website that offers a platform for users to search, compare, and book flights, providing access to a wide range of airlines and travel options.

No Code

Bravo Studio is a no-code app builder that streamlines the process of turning Figma designs into interactive prototypes, making it easier to showcase ideas and publish apps without the hassle of app store submissions

StoryBeat AI

Storybeat is an all-in-one image editing app that offers fresh templates and filters, making it easy to create professional-looking content quickly and efficiently


AIChatbot is an AI-powered conversational chatbot builder for customer service, enabling the creation of custom GPT chatbots trained from your own data, capable of responding to customer inquiries in multiple languages and embedding the chatbot widget directly onto your website

No Code
Landbot Bricks is an AI chatbot generator that allows marketing, sales, and customer service teams to turn conversational experiences into revenue-driving outcomes with no coding required.

Human Resources
Match That Role

Match That Role AI is a website that helps job seekers find their ideal remote job by enhancing their resume's effectiveness.


Danelfin is a stock analytics platform powered by Explainable Artificial Intelligence, offering AI-driven stock ratings and trade ideas for investors looking to beat the market

Assistant Code

Safurai is an AI-powered coding tool that helps developers write code faster and more efficiently, offering features like code generation, unit tests, and bug detection
