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AI Tools catalog


106 tools found

Scispace, also known as SciSpace, is a research platform and writing tool that helps researchers, students, and professionals manage, format, and collaborate on research papers and thesis documents, providing simple explanations and answers from AI for better understanding of scientific information

Research Journal Database

ABCD Index is a website that provides a list of true journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, UGC Care, and NAAS indexing, as well as offering membership benefits such as reviewer community connection, reviewer and membership certificates, chapter page posting, and conference organizer tools.

AI Paraphrasing Tool is an AI-powered free paraphraser that rewrites content in original and improved wording, eliminating duplicate phrases and clauses, and ensuring uniqueness and creativity in writing

Vidyo AI is a video editing platform that uses AI to repurpose long-form podcasts and videos into short viral clips for social media, offering automatic analysis and generation of short clips using advanced AI video clipping features, customizable fonts, and animated text overlays.

Artificial Intelligence

Sttabot is a cloud-based AI development and infrastructure platform that allows users to build NLP-backed AI apps using no-code and low-code technology, train and annotate datasets, build custom LLM models, and create AI chatbots to automate support and sales.


Ai Business Tool is a website offering customer support, marketing, and sales services starting at $9 per month, with a focus on collecting, storing, and using data as described in its privacy policy

DoubtClear AI is an AI-powered educational tool that offers instant homework solutions and explanations across a wide range of subjects, catering to students from 5th grade to coding learners, and it is available for download on the Google Play Store for Android devices and the App Store for iOS

No Code is an AI-powered website search and discovery platform that offers a tailored solution to meet individual needs, with a starting price of $19 per month and features such as AI-powered search, multilingual support, and real-time data and analytics
