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AI Tools catalog


79 tools found

Developer Tools
Databorg AI

DataBorg is an all-in-one knowledge management suite that empowers companies to leverage their data with intelligent solutions, providing high-quality tools to overcome challenges with poor data quality and unlock their full potential for success through AI tools and data-driven insights

SnackzAI is a fully AI-powered book summary app that delivers high-quality summaries based on the real content of books, making knowledge accessible and affordable for everyone.

AI Writer is a platform that uses AI to generate unique and informative articles, providing a list of citations and sources for verification, and it is praised for its ability to help increase website traffic and improve search engine rankings

Customer Support is an enterprise-ready conversational AI platform that automates customer service with AI-powered chat and voice bots, creates personalized connections between customers and brands, and manages high traffic, increases customer satisfaction, and reduces costs.


LemonRecruiter is a Chrome extension that automates and improves the effectiveness of recruiters' LinkedIn outreach and job description creation, using advanced natural language processing technology

Content Creation

Jaeves AI is a tool that helps users create SEO-optimized blog titles in seconds and offers detailed documentation covering all features of the tool.

Developer Tools

Valispace's AI, known as ValiAssistant, offers assisted engineering capabilities, enabling engineers to streamline the entire engineering process, from requirements engineering to system design, by automating and improving various tasks and routines, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient product development

Media & Entertainment

Adline is an easy-to-use multichannel advertising and analytics platform that helps businesses launch and optimize ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Google, with automatic ad optimization and a Multichannel Budget Optimization algorithm that minimizes wasted ad spend and maximizes conversions.


Lateral is an AI-powered app for academics that streamlines research workflow, allowing users to search for millions of research papers or upload their own documents, find text across their papers with Super Search + similar content suggestions, and keep all findings nicely organized and at hand when needed.
