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AI Tools catalog


75 tools found

Text Cortex

TextCortex is an AI-powered creative partner that revolutionizes the creative process by offering a customizable, cross-device platform with advanced writing and research capabilities in 25+ languages, reducing writing time by over 50%

AI Photo

AI Photo is a user-friendly text-to-image generator app that creates photos and artworks, all offline, based on your image description, optimized for Apple silicon chips (M1 and M2), and developed by IXEAU.


Avanty is a Chrome extension that works with Metabase to detect SQL queries and provide features to make writing, editing, and understanding SQL queries faster and easier, while ensuring that customer data remains private

Content Creation

Jaeves AI is a tool that helps users create SEO-optimized blog titles in seconds and offers detailed documentation covering all features of the tool.

Jungle AI

Jungle AI is an AI technology company that applies artificial intelligence to improve the performance of machinery, including renewable energy sources, and offers an AI-powered asset management app called Canopy, which uses historical data to predict component failures and identify poor performance

Deep Art Effects

Deep Art Effects is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to easily edit images, allowing users to create unique artwork from their pictures and videos using artistic style transfer of famous artists, and it also offers an API for incorporating complex filters and other image technology into apps

Computer Vision

Siwalu Software is a company that develops AI-based image recognition apps, including Dog Scanner, which can identify dog breeds within seconds.


tl;dv is an AI-powered meeting recorder for Zoom and Google Meet, allowing users to summarize key moments during meetings with a simple click or short-cut, making it easier to stay focused on conversations

Several Minds offers AI-powered mindset assessments to aid in team-building decisions by providing deep insights into applicants' and team members' mindsets and values, facilitating effective team growth and talent identification.
