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AI Tools catalog


71 tools found


Aldea is a company that utilizes artificial intelligence to create and optimize email marketing campaigns, and it is also involved in venture capital investment and family services.


Headlime is an AI-powered platform that helps in writing marketing copy and creating custom landing pages quickly and easily, aiming to save time and improve efficiency for businesses and writers

Artificial Intelligence
AI Savant

Petibble's AI Savant, Animal AI Detective, uses artificial intelligence to determine which animal aligns with your traits and characteristics and generates an image of the most similar animal.


Saga is an AI text RPG that offers an immersive text-based environment with customizable settings, dynamic conversations, and free-form writing, and can be accessed from any device.

Melody ML

Melody ML is a platform that uses machine learning to separate music tracks, allowing users to upload songs and download the separated stems for a cost after the first two free songs, with supported audio formats including MP3, Wav, Flac, and Ogg/Vorbis


Blue Dot Corporation offers tax compliance software and global tax management solutions, including VAT, taxable employee benefits, and expense analysis platforms, to help organizations address the challenges of global business and the new working norm in the post-COVID world

Website Builders
Framer AI

Framer is a website design and development platform that offers fast deployment, built-in CMS, AI-powered localization, and site maintenance tools, with a focus on optimization and scalability.

Social Networks is an AI-powered tool that generates a 30-day social media content calendar with tailored visuals, captions, and hashtags, aiming to streamline and optimize social media content creation for businesses and individuals

Computer Vision
Duckduckgoose AI

DuckDuckGo's detector is a deepfake detection technology that analyzes faces to find deepfake traces and provides the probability of the input being a deepfake and the Activation Map to substantiate the classification.
