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AI Tools catalog


59 tools found

Second Nature AI

Second Nature is an AI-powered sales coaching platform that provides role-play simulations for sales training, enabling users to practice and improve their skills in a less pressured environment.

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type


Unboxable is a data-driven platform that helps companies make smart hiring decisions by using job simulator technology to replace the standard job application and providing deep reports that forecast how candidates' skills and work style will unfold in a specific context.

Trade Foresight

Trade Foresight is a global trade platform that provides businesses with insights, information, and tools necessary to succeed in international trade, including personalized dashboards, global trade analytics, and a trader's lounge.

Legal Assistants

LawGeex's Contract Review Automation (CRA) technology harnesses the power of AI to help in-house legal teams automate the contract review process, reducing risk and accelerating the speed of deals, with a focus on routine, high volume, low-to-medium complexity agreements such as NDAs, SLAs, SOWs, framework agreements, and supply agreements

Tailor Brands

Tailor Brands' logo maker allows users to easily create unique and customized logos by providing business details, choosing a logo style, selecting favorite fonts, and customizing the design, with high-resolution file downloads available

Content Creation

Lightkey is an AI-powered predictive typing and spelling correction software that offers inline text prediction in any Windows desktop application, allowing users to compose content faster and with confidence, and it is trusted in 170 countries worldwide.


Katteb is an AI-powered writing software that utilizes rigorous fact-checking techniques to deliver you content of the highest credibility, ensuring to provide you with reliable information supported by credible sources and in-text citations.

Madgicx for Facebook Ads

Madgicx is a comprehensive advertising platform designed to optimize Facebook and other digital ad campaigns, offering AI optimization, real-time analytics, and time-saving tools for media buyers, as well as first-party data tracking and ROAS monitoring.
