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AI Tools catalog


52 tools found

Second Nature AI

Second Nature is an AI-powered sales coaching platform that provides role-play simulations for sales training, enabling users to practice and improve their skills in a less pressured environment.

Winn AI

Winn.AI is an AI assistant for salespeople that handles sales busywork, joins virtual meetings, tracks conversations, generates follow-up emails, and updates CRM automatically.


D-ID is an AI company that offers a Natural User Interface (NUI) aimed at revolutionizing how people interact with anything digital leveraging the power of AI, and also provides a tool called Creative Reality Studio for making AI avatars.


Peech is an AI-powered video platform that enables businesses to professionally edit, transcribe, and brand video content in a single solution, with features such as auto-generating subtitles, visualizing content, and customizing branding elements.

Developer Tools
One AI

OneAI is an AI company that offers Generative AI API and NLP-as-a-service, providing language models for fact-checking, language analytics, and data security

Website Builders

Webullar is an AI-powered website builder that helps small businesses create a fully automated online presence in seconds by generating a website and social media posts in just 30 seconds using a simple sentence about the business.

Assistant Code
Codium LTD

CodiumAI offers AI-powered code completion, search, and chat, supporting over 70 languages and integrating with popular IDEs like VS Code and JetBrains

HourOne AI

Hour One is an AI-powered video generator that allows users to create professional videos with virtual human presenters or custom characters using a simple code or API integration.

3D model is a company that specializes in AI-powered 3D model generation, offering solutions for both individual self-expression and business use cases where mass generation of 3D models is required
