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AI Tools catalog


179 tools found

No Code

Backengine is a platform that allows users to build their backend in minutes using natural language, without the need for code or infrastructure. It offers direct access to a managed database and total control over API code, making it suitable for various projects and easy to use


Rythmex is an online converter that transforms audio and video files into text, offering over 140 languages for transcription purposes.

Developer Tools

Shuttle's AI platform allows users to create and deploy backend applications in under 5 minutes by providing a prompt and letting the AI generate the code and provision the infrastructure.

Glass Health AI

Glass Health offers an AI-powered clinical decision support platform that empowers clinicians with differential diagnoses and clinical plans based on patient summaries and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes worldwide


Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprise marketers create, test, and optimize marketing messages using data-driven content generation and real-time language insights, aiming to improve engagement and drive marketing results.


SchoolAI is an AI-powered writing tool designed to enhance productivity and creativity in educational settings.


AudioStrip is a free online tool that uses artificial intelligence and deep learning to extract vocals from any audio file, allowing users to isolate vocals and instrumentals from multiple audio files at once and download the vocal and instrumental parts.

Taia Translations

Taia is an AI-powered translation service that combines the reliability and expertise of a translation agency with the affordability and almost instant response time of an online translation tool, offering tailor-made pricing and a client feedback process to better understand customer satisfaction.

Poly ai

PolyAI offers conversational AI solutions for various industries, including banking, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, with voice assistants that can be customized and deployed in multiple languages, providing real-time insights and resolving calls in heavy use cases
