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AI Tools catalog


29 tools found

Wallet AI

Wallet.AI is a San Francisco-based company founded in 2012 that builds intelligent engines to analyze data and help users make better daily financial decisions.

Hydra by Rightsify

Rightsify's Hydra is an innovative music generation model designed for both commercial and artistic applications, capable of creating over 150,000 tracks a day and billions of unique musical songs

Computer Vision

Chooch is an AI vision platform that enables organizations to improve operational efficiency and create new revenue opportunities by leveraging computer vision technology for image recognition and analysis

Gladia is a platform offering a Speech-to-Text API and provides the latest news, product updates, and curated AI content.

Chrome Extensions
BetterLegal Assistant

BetterLegal offers an Assistant service, which provides guidance and support for business owners in handling legal paperwork and formalities.

Bardeen AI is an AI automation platform that allows users to delegate repetitive tasks through text, saving time and empowering creativity with its breakthrough AI technology. It also offers integrations with various apps and pre-built playbooks


Heyday is an AI thought partner that helps professionals generate meeting notes, extract insights from research, and draft content based on past reading and conversations, all while ensuring data privacy and security


Weblium is a website builder that offers hundreds of ready-made templates and blocks, automatic mobile versions, third-party code embedment, pop-up windows, online store, CRM, SEO tags, and online support available 24/7 all year round.

Ai Detection
Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes is a platform that connects people with visual impairments to volunteers who can help them navigate the world together.
