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AI Tools catalog


1198 tools found

No Code
FlutterFlow AI Gen

FlutterFlow AI Gen is an AI assistant that helps in generating code, styles, and database schema for app development in FlutterFlow, enabling fast and efficient app creation

Job Search
Sonara AI

Sonara is an AI-powered tool that streamlines the job search process by automatically applying for jobs that match your resume and preferences.


Frontdoor is an AI-powered platform that helps users capture ideas, summarize readings, and create content faster than ever before, trusted by thousands of scholars and researchers

Text Generators
Free Essay Generator

AcademicHelp's Free Essay Generator is an AI-powered tool that helps students research, write, and cite their papers, making the process more efficient and accessible.

Otter AI is an AI-powered tool that provides real-time transcription, meeting summarization, and note-taking features, enhancing productivity and collaboration for individuals and teams

Artificial Intelligence

Conversica is a leading provider of conversational AI for revenue teams, offering a conversational marketing platform that delivers two-way conversations to increase efficiency and maximize revenue.

Legal Assistants

Latch is a company that offers smart locks, access control, and property management software, allowing users to review contracts, analyze agreements, and receive instant visibility into key risks.

Developer Tools

JamGPT is an AI debugging assistant developed by Jam, which helps developers fix bugs faster and is available for free, aiming to improve the bug reporting process

Anima App

Anima is an AI-powered design-to-code platform that allows designers to create fully responsive prototypes and export developer-friendly React, HTML, Vue, CSS, and Sass code from their designs
