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AI Tools catalog


134 tools found

Developer Tools
Bria is a company that provides comprehensive solutions for Visual Generative AI, enabling quick integration and enhancing user experiences without development effort


Shuffll is an AI-driven video creation studio that enables users to produce high-quality videos with ease, allowing them to scale their video content at a fraction of the cost and time typically associated with traditional video production methods

Media & Entertainment

Albert is an AI-powered marketing platform that aims to empower marketers with tools to help with some of their tasks and free them to focus on more creative work.

Speech To Text
WhisperBot is a WhatsApp speech-to-text AI assistant that transcribes voice messages using OpenAI's technology and erases the audio file and text content from the database after 30 minutes for data security.

Second Nature AI

Second Nature is an AI-powered sales coaching platform that provides role-play simulations for sales training, enabling users to practice and improve their skills in a less pressured environment.

Productivity is a Work OS platform that helps teams manage their work and projects more efficiently, enabling them to launch products and expand into new markets faster.

Life Assistants
Roast Dating

Roast Dating is a dating app that matches users based on their sense of humor and allows them to connect through video chats.

3D model
Swapp is a UK-based startup that uses AI to generate construction documents, automating detail design work and producing drawings faster than traditional methods


D-ID is an AI company that offers a Natural User Interface (NUI) aimed at revolutionizing how people interact with anything digital leveraging the power of AI, and also provides a tool called Creative Reality Studio for making AI avatars.
