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AI Tools catalog


83 tools found


STRATxAI is a company that offers cutting-edge AI-driven portfolios to empower businesses with seamless white-label investing solutions, aiming to enhance customer retention and drive revenue growth.


Ajelix is a platform that offers a variety of AI Excel tools and data visualization solutions, including an AI Excel formula generator, a data visualization tool called Ajelix BI, and more than 20 AI tools for spreadsheets.

Mark Copy AI

MarkCopy AI is an all-in-one content creation tool that uses AI and human teamwork to generate SEO-optimized content, including social media posts, e-commerce product descriptions, and landing pages, with plagiarism checks and more than 40 templates available.

Social Networks

Taplio is an AI-powered platform that helps users grow their personal brand on LinkedIn by creating, improving, and scheduling content, as well as analyzing performance and providing inspiration for future posts

Legal Assistants

Brightflag is an AI-powered legal operations platform that offers legal e-billing software to help corporate legal teams reduce costs, increase productivity, and make better decisions.

Gladia is a platform offering a Speech-to-Text API and provides the latest news, product updates, and curated AI content.

No Code
Dust is an AI-native company that provides a platform for developers and tinkerers to build custom actions and application orchestration, tailoring to your team's exact needs and supporting custom plugins for assistants to interact with your own databases on advanced use cases

Job posting generator by AI

Seeqle offers an AI-powered job offer template generator that creates personalized and attractive job offers, highlighting company culture, job missions, and required profiles to attract the best candidates

VanillaHR Hiring Platform

VanillaHR is an AI-powered all-in-one hiring platform that provides an integrated calendar, customized hiring, and user-friendly UX to source, attract, qualify, and interview the best candidates based on specific hiring needs.
