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AI Tools catalog


74 tools found

Content Creation
Writier is an AI-powered writing assistant, while Sudowrite is an AI writing tool for novels and screenplays, and Google is using AI to make their products more helpful.

Mistral AI

Mistral AI is a French company founded in April 2023 by researchers from Meta and Google, specializing in open-source, powerful AI models with a focus on efficiency and innovation, having raised over $400 million in funding and attained a valuation of more than $2 billion by December 2023.


reciTAL is an intelligent document processing platform that offers a high-performance, reliable, and easy-to-implement solution for capturing, typing, and searching various types of documents and emails, utilizing the latest AI technologies and ensuring security and confidentiality

Speech To Text

Vocapia is a leading provider of speech-to-text software and services, offering solutions for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, and conference call transcription

VanillaHR Hiring Platform

VanillaHR is an AI-powered all-in-one hiring platform that provides an integrated calendar, customized hiring, and user-friendly UX to source, attract, qualify, and interview the best candidates based on specific hiring needs.


Myth.Ai is a technology company that specializes in AI-powered printing pattern design technology, offering a web-based design tool that allows anyone to create professional designs in just a few clicks.


Siit is an internal help desk software that streamlines employee support, automates processes, and enhances team productivity without sacrificing employee experience

SEOmatic AI

SEOmatic is a platform that offers programmatic SEO and AI tools to automate and scale marketing, including features such as creating SEO-friendly pages, importing datasets, generating content, and publishing pages on CMS or hosting them with SEOmatic

Human Resources
Wave AI

Wave AI offers high-end coaching for managers and executives, providing confidential support and tailored-fit coaching experiences to help individuals reach their professional goals
