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AI Tools catalog


1251 tools found

Human Resources
Cody is an AI-powered chatbot platform that allows users to interact with chatbots by asking questions on the chat screen, receive accurate and relevant answers, and customize the chatbot for different uses


Qventus is a leading provider of AI-based software for care operations automation, used in hospitals and health systems to improve efficiency and patient care


Kraftful is an AI platform that provides qualitative analysis of user feedback, helping product teams uncover insights, prioritize user needs, and collaborate to understand trends in user feedback.

Onesta AI is a platform that automates time-consuming tasks like lead generation and note-taking, allowing users to focus on nurturing relationships with their clients and growing their businesses

Assistant Code
Code Autopilot

CodeAutopilot is an AI software development team that listens to repository issues and provides proposed solutions, cutting down troubleshooting time and ensuring code quality.

Developer Tools
Autoblocks AI

Autoblocks is a GenAI product workspace that offers encrypted data management, security monitoring, and compliance auditing, catering to both indiehackers and large enterprises. It also provides resources on AI topics like commonsense reasoning and simulated annealing

Hive AI is a deep learning company that offers APIs for content tagging, intelligent search, and generative models, among other things.

Stork: ChatGPT for Teams AI

Stork.AI is an AI app directory and marketplace that offers various AI tools, including Typpo, a tool that turns spoken words into dynamic videos, and ExplainThis, a browser extension that simplifies online content by explaining complex topics.

3D model

Mirage is a platform that uses personalized AI models to help users craft follow-ups, internal Slack updates, and customer case studies, among other tasks
