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AI Tools catalog


136 tools found

Human Resources
Wave AI

Wave AI offers high-end coaching for managers and executives, providing confidential support and tailored-fit coaching experiences to help individuals reach their professional goals

Image is a platform with 21+ color filters where users can upload their photos, choose a unique filter, and see their images in realistic and vibrant colors.

Human Resources
Spoke AI is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.

N8n is a powerful workflow automation tool that allows users to create complex flows, resolve issues quickly, and scale their operations with advanced on-prem or cloud automation over 387 integrations

Speech To Text

Vocapia is a leading provider of speech-to-text software and services, offering solutions for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, and conference call transcription

Ai Useful

DeepL is a highly accurate translator that helps users fix grammar and punctuation mistakes, rephrase sentences, express nuances, and find their perfect tone of voice

Jamie AI

Jamie AI is a meeting summary tool that helps users focus on what matters by providing accurate and detailed summaries of their meetings, making it feel like having an extra team member in the room

Type Studio

Type Studio is a free online tool that allows users to add and edit subtitles in videos, and it also provides features for translating and transcribing content.

glowy AI

Glowy AI is a website that offers personalized skincare treatment plans tailored to unique skincare needs and concerns, with visible results in 8-12 weeks, using expert consultation and quality product recommendations
