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AI Tools catalog


188 tools found

Zazzani AI

Zazzani AI is a revolutionary AI product that accelerates workflow and productivity, enabling users to create articles, art, code, and find answers to their questions with ease

Assistant Code
Refact AI is an open-source AI coding assistant that combines code autocompletion, refactoring, and chat inside your favorite IDE, with different pricing tiers and a combination of models.

Art Generator

Boords is an online storyboarding software that offers an easy-to-use interface with thoughtful features to plan creative projects, including the ability to add unlimited custom note fields and predefined camera movement indicators, and all content uploaded or created within Boords is completely hidden from everyone unless shared.

Reachout AI is an AI-powered video prospecting platform that helps businesses create and deliver personalized videos with realistic digital humans, improving email response rates and streamlining the sales process

Pixels AI

Pixels AI is an AI-powered platform that amplifies premium video using your player, your ads, and your content, recommends relevant videos for articles, and provides full editorial and commercial control.

Developer Tools

Shuttle's AI platform allows users to create and deploy backend applications in under 5 minutes by providing a prompt and letting the AI generate the code and provision the infrastructure.

Content Creation

EZAI App is a powerful AI content creation tool that streamlines the content creation process, allowing users to generate high-quality, AI-powered copy tailored to their specific needs

Human Resources

Totara is a learning and performance management system (LMS) that offers an agile performance management approach and is provided as a commercial open source service


Genei is an AI-powered summarization and research tool that helps users improve their productivity by automatically condensing background reading and generating blogs, articles, and reports faster
