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AI Tools catalog


192 tools found

Image is a powerful tool for creating custom show looks and monitoring LUTs for on-set preview, making it an essential resource for professionals in the industry.

Regula AI

Regula AI is a company that provides identity verification solutions through its Regula Document Reader SDK, and there is ongoing discussion about the need for AI regulation to ensure equitable decisions and protect against risks associated with AI technology.

Media & Entertainment
Social Var

Socialvar is a full-stack social media marketing platform that helps businesses automate their marketing efforts, offering a flexible pricing plan and an easy-to-use interface for scheduling and publishing social media posts

Clippy for your website

Clippy is a helpful and familiar friend for website visitors, offering assistance with various tasks and providing useful hints to improve the user experience

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.

Zazzani AI

Zazzani AI is a revolutionary AI product that accelerates workflow and productivity, enabling users to create articles, art, code, and find answers to their questions with ease

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Salespitch is an AI-powered platform that automates the creation and sending of personalized sales emails, boasting high-conversion rates, perfect tone, and grammar, and integration with current sales systems, suitable for various businesses and marketing agencies.

Health is an AI-enabled autonomous diagnosis platform that has helped reduce patient backlogs and fast-track the treatment of lung cancer patients in various healthcare institutions
