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AI Tools catalog


89 tools found

Designs AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create logos, videos, banners, and more in a matter of minutes.

Job Search
hireBrain AI

hireBrain is a platform where AI intersects with HR and tech experts, offering insights on hiring, recruitment challenges, and fatal hiring mistakes.

Kwizie AI is an AI-powered website that allows users to create gamified quizzes from YouTube videos up to 3 hours long, with a visually appealing mobile-first interface and support for longer content, providing valuable analytics and feedback to optimize delivery.

No Code
AI Surge Cloud

AI Surge is a cloud-based platform that offers a range of artificial intelligence services, including data labeling, model training, and custom model development.

Wudpecker is an AI meeting assistant that provides note-taking, summary, and action items for meetings, as well as templates and integrations with other tools.


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.


Romantic AI is an AI-powered chatbot that operates in two modes, general and romantic, and is designed to maintain mental health by providing caring, supportive, and playful conversation.

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Content Creation

WriterZen is a proficient SEO content workflow software with powerful keyword research, topic discovery, content creation features, and AI functionality, used by over 50,000 users and offering 70+ AI templates for various use cases, with pricing starting at $23 per month for annual plans and no hidden fees or contract obligations
