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AI Tools catalog


68 tools found

Tisane API AI

Tisane Labs offers APIs to analyze and understand text in various languages, detecting cyberbullying, hate speech, sexual harassment, and more in nearly 30 languages

Social Networks

Bannerbear is an API for automated image and video generation, allowing the creation of social media visuals, ecommerce banners, and more through no-code automated workflows and REST API integrations in various programming languages

Project Management
Small Steps

FlexOS offers a free AI Action Plan generator called "Small Steps" that helps users break down tasks into small steps to make it easier to take the first step towards achieving their goals.

Easy-Peasy AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI content tool with over 170 templates, helping users create various content such as blog posts, resumes, job descriptions, and social media content 10 times faster


Pencil is a platform that uses AI to automatically generate ad creatives for e-commerce businesses, helping them optimize their advertising campaigns and improve performance


Datature is a platform that offers AI vision solutions, including developing training datasets, managing large datasets with version controls, customizing labeling workflows, and ensuring data security and privacy

Social Networks
Affable AI is a SaaS-based influencer management platform that provides a complete profile analysis of social media influencers, offering features such as influencer search, content search, outreach, campaigns, reporting, and integration with various platforms

JD Generator

The HireQuotient Free Job Description Generator uses AI automation to help create diverse-optimized job descriptions, saving time and attracting a wider pool of applicants, with the potential to increase applicants by 5 times

Amy by, a leading company in the crypto industry with over 80 million customers, has introduced its first AI-powered initiative, Amy, to provide real-time information and serve as a crypto expert resource for users
