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AI Tools catalog


85 tools found

Wondercraft AI

Wondercraft AI is a podcast creation platform that uses generative AI voices to easily produce and distribute podcasts in multiple languages, catering to businesses, publishers, and educational content creators. It offers hyper-realistic AI voices and the ability to publish directly to various platforms without extra hosting costs


Lettria is a no-code AI platform for text analysis, offering natural language processing (NLP) solutions to enrich CRMs, analyze customer feedback, and structure data using semantic categorization and knowledge graphs

Gems is a platform that provides instant, effortless answers to your questions, connecting your team's knowledge and synthesizing it into structured, written-out answers called Gems

Social Networks

Taplio is an AI-powered platform that helps users grow their personal brand on LinkedIn by creating, improving, and scheduling content, as well as analyzing performance and providing inspiration for future posts


AIWriter is a content creation tool that uses the latest AI technology, including GPT-3 and GPT-4 language models, to help users create high-quality content in multiple languages, generate images mid-journey, convert audio to text, and even chat with an AI-powered assistant to get content suggestions and ideas.

Vocads Survey

Vocads is a start-up that reinvents the survey experience through voice conversations with an AI, enabling companies to collect richer data and improve customer and employee engagement.

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.


Diabeloop is a company that automates and personalizes the treatment of Type 1 diabetes, involving people living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and their relatives from the very first phases of development of its innovations, alongside engineers and doctors, and has signed development agreements with several international partners.

Life Assistants
Lampi AI is a confidential and collaborative AI copilot that can understand text and spoken words, process uploaded data, and provide personalized advice to improve decision-making and work collaboration.
