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AI Tools catalog


204 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Holly is an AI-powered recruiting platform that automates the hiring process and integrates with existing systems, offering services such as candidate data access, outreach, and data privacy considerations.

Academics is a new writing tool that provides a blank page for writers to start their creativity with simplicity, clarity, and freedom, and encourages them to write the truest sentence they know.


The Smudge app's Developer Colour Palette allows users to choose, convert, organize, and share colors for their projects, with features such as a built-in color picker, automatic syncing to the cloud, and AI-assisted color palette generation.

ReviewScout AI is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers that offers personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and AI-driven research capabilities to help sellers master their inventory and restocking demands, maximize their advertising efforts, and uncover hidden market opportunities.

Human Resources

Beamery is a talent lifecycle management platform that has delivered a 467% ROI for its customers, reduced recruiting costs by 20%, and improved the quality of hire and candidate experience.

Files & Spreadsheets

Parsio is a platform that helps companies work more efficiently by extracting data from emails, PDFs, and documents, automating processes, and integrating with various systems

Pixels AI

Pixels AI is an AI-powered platform that amplifies premium video using your player, your ads, and your content, recommends relevant videos for articles, and provides full editorial and commercial control.


Signapse AI is a company that provides AI-powered sign language translation for websites and videos to make content more accessible for the Deaf community.
