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AI Tools catalog


40 tools found

Legal Assistants

Brightflag is an AI-powered legal operations platform that offers legal e-billing software to help corporate legal teams reduce costs, increase productivity, and make better decisions.


STRATxAI is a company that offers cutting-edge AI-driven portfolios to empower businesses with seamless white-label investing solutions, aiming to enhance customer retention and drive revenue growth.

Human Resources

Rezi is an AI-based resume builder that offers templates and tools to help users design and optimize their resumes for various job descriptions and applicant tracking systems

Stocknews AI

StockNews AI provides top news and research on various types of US equities, including dividend, value, marijuana, and tech stocks, using AI-picked sources


Logopony is an AI logo maker that uses machine learning to generate unlimited creative and distinct logo ideas, offering a quick and easy way to create custom logos for various purposes, including social media and business cards

Media & Entertainment
Systeme is a comprehensive platform for launching and managing an online business, offering smooth building processes and a small learning curve, making it a serious force in the funnel world.


Unschooling is a complete rejection of the concept of traditional schooling, where children control their own education and learn whatever they are interested in, without using a curriculum or being forced to learn, and unfortunately, many people who do unschool receive a ton of negative support and criticism.


Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options

Content Creation

Chopcast is a content repurposing platform that uses NLP to automatically create clips, subtitling, and transcripts from webinars, video podcasts, and other long-form videos, offering a free-to-use AI platform and paid plans with monthly minute bundles per user
