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AI Tools catalog


119 tools found

Life Assistants
Gita GPT

Gita GPT is an AI-powered platform that uses the Bhagavad Gita to provide solutions to your life's queries and offer insights into life's decisions


Logopony is an AI logo maker that uses machine learning to generate unlimited creative and distinct logo ideas, offering a quick and easy way to create custom logos for various purposes, including social media and business cards

Social Networks
Tweet Monk

Tweetmonk is an AI-powered Twitter Thread Maker & Analytics tool that helps users write, schedule, and publish Twitter tweets and threads, ultimately growing their engagement on the platform with advanced analytics

Social Networks

TweetEmote is an AI-powered tweet assistant that helps users express their thoughts and feelings in tweets with the right words, analyzing the text input and proposing the most appropriate emotion to use in the tweet.

Files & Spreadsheets

SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that automates tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, allowing users to generate marketing emails, bulk PDFs, and automate data management through Appscript and VBA code


Unschooling is a complete rejection of the concept of traditional schooling, where children control their own education and learn whatever they are interested in, without using a curriculum or being forced to learn, and unfortunately, many people who do unschool receive a ton of negative support and criticism.

Social Networks
Predis is a social media tool that uses AI to generate and share videos, carousels, and single image posts in your brand language, offering a complete suite for various social media needs.


PaperBrain is a platform that offers study resources, including notes, flashcards, and guides, to help students with their academic pursuits.


Analogenie is an AI-powered tool that generates analogies to add spark to your content and help you explain complex concepts to your readers.
