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AI Tools catalog


32 tools found


Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options

Ai Detection
FaceCheck ID

FaceCheck.ID is a powerful facial recognition AI technology that allows users to verify the authenticity of individuals by uploading a photo and discovering their social media profiles, appearances in blogs, videos, and news websites

3D model

Alpha3D is a generative AI-powered platform that allows users to automatically transform text and 2D images into 3D digital assets for augmented reality, virtual reality, and gaming, making the 3D model creation process faster, cheaper, and easier


Try It On AI offers professional AI headshots and portraits for various industries, allowing users to submit 10-30 selfies, select portrait styles, and use AI editing tools for quick fixes, with pricing ranging from $17 to $45

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

GPT Stylist

GPT Stylist is an AI plugin for Figma and FigJam that creates custom color palettes based on product descriptions, aiming to simplify the color decision-making process for design projects


Logopony is an AI logo maker that uses machine learning to generate unlimited creative and distinct logo ideas, offering a quick and easy way to create custom logos for various purposes, including social media and business cards


Unschooling is a complete rejection of the concept of traditional schooling, where children control their own education and learn whatever they are interested in, without using a curriculum or being forced to learn, and unfortunately, many people who do unschool receive a ton of negative support and criticism.


The Mini Course Generator's AI Assistant allows users to create a comprehensive and accurate mini-course by providing a description and then selecting from AI-generated title and outline suggestions, which can be further customized to meet specific needs
