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AI Tools catalog


37 tools found


Retouch4me is a set of AI-powered plugins for retouching photos, offering features such as skin tone adjustment, backdrop cleaning, and portrait enhancement, designed to save time for photographers by automating the retouching process


Myth.Ai is a technology company that specializes in AI-powered printing pattern design technology, offering a web-based design tool that allows anyone to create professional designs in just a few clicks.


Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options

Notta AI

Notta is a platform that provides audio to text transcription services, ensuring data security by being SOC 2 and GDPR compliant, and offering features such as real-time transcription, summary generation, and easy data export.


Logopony is an AI logo maker that uses machine learning to generate unlimited creative and distinct logo ideas, offering a quick and easy way to create custom logos for various purposes, including social media and business cards


The Mini Course Generator's AI Assistant allows users to create a comprehensive and accurate mini-course by providing a description and then selecting from AI-generated title and outline suggestions, which can be further customized to meet specific needs

Art Generator

PicSo AI is an online platform that offers AI art generation, allowing users to create AI characters, edit and extend images, and generate text to AI art and AI portraits.

Assistant Code

AI2sql is a tool that automatically creates SQL statements based on user input, supporting natural language prompts in several languages, and can be used by a wide range of users for a variety of purposes, including data analysis, learning SQL, and improving efficiency, with tailored solutions for enterprises.

Real Estate
Jife is a website that provides general information about various topics, including music, movies, and personal experiences.
